الاثنين، 25 أغسطس 2014

What can start to move within the city of Johannesburg, South Africa until you see the vast tracts of land comprising thousands of residential buildings and places, and realize you will not encounter features several talking about books about the continent of Africa, and most important of forests and wildlife and tribal traditions and celebrations. 
Sink all the scenes in the city in the activities of daily business and the dense traffic of cars and trucks, while the curfew is walk a rare phenomenon and not commensurate with the stay of four million people in the present. 
Maybe not built specifications Johannesburg City University for their children, but separated them, as whites live in apartment complexes surrounded by electric fences and moving in shopping centers spread heavily in Onhaúha and roam where without the need to walk in any street. As blacks Viwagdon in Soweto, the former stronghold of the struggle against racial discrimination, and forms the heart of the city center and the main activities of their work. 
But the city captures the pulse of the economy in South Africa down to the whole continent, in light of embracing the headquarters of more than 200 international company, what makes it combines the dreams of blacks and whites together in a secure lifestyle best depends on the economic success penetrates any problems plaguing the nation, such as poverty and unemployment and desertification and the spread of HIV «AIDS» and others. 
There is no doubt that economic success is a cornerstone of today's renaissance of Johannesburg after the demise of the significant impact of gold mining on the lives of her sons have established in the nineteenth century, because of the decline in the proportion of its presence in its territory. 
And turned elevators several allocated previously to extract gold from a depth of about 200 meters to the means of entertainment attached to centers of fun can be tested where the tourist feelings work underground, while construction has been «Alalmasa» built downtown symbol attractive from the past, noting that the city's share of the product of gold in South Africa, not to exceed ten percent currently. 
The historical importance of Johannesburg as embracing the legacy of struggle for equality and justice between blacks and whites, and the extension of its roots deep into the actual composition of the state and social structure, make it a source of attraction for many visitors. The truth is that many efforts are being made to draw attention to the meanings of sympathy with the notable events that took place in the era of racial discrimination, and the dot reverberate in the world. 
And include Soweto and the Museum of racial discrimination in addition to the home of former President Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel Laureate for Peace, at the forefront of tourism programs for visitors. It comes after the Gold Reef City casino built around a former mine, and zoos and down to the shopping malls in Sandton surrounding Nelson Mandela Square, which adorned his statue built up six meters, and is a symbol of pride for blacks and whites together. 
But it does not provide a solid foundation to support tourism, which also needs to lure more of the ingredients to go to restaurants and entertainment centers in resorts and nature reserves surrounded by lakes and gardens of animals, and behind closed doors for security reasons visitors. 
From here is not surprising customize the tour guide books a few pages in the capital compared to Johannesburg and Cape Pilanesberg public garden with an area of ​​55 000 hectares. It also is not surprising talked residents of the city for lack of readiness to host the World Cup football in 2010, as the question arises how will receive the city tens of thousands of fans and celebrations bustling before the games and then in time are advised not to walk around in any part of the city the appearance of tourists to avoid confronting different types of crimes ? 
Perhaps Hosting Merit sports important to remove the security concerns are all but certain that this is adopted it always South Africans, black and white together is a joy continuous life and passion to celebrate laughter and singing and dancing and muted ... So do not leave one country but Bomnah return to it again.

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