الاثنين، 25 أغسطس 2014

Investment opportunities in the tourism sector in Nigeria

      The Tourism Plan for the year 1990 included the basic objectives that will make Nigeria an ideal destination for tourism in Africa.
     The aim is to attract foreign exchange and promote development and tourism-based rural enterprises and create jobs and accelerate the integration of urban and rural and cultural exchange.
 Because of the great importance attached by the Nigerian government on the tourism industry, it has been the adoption of the following strategies: -

                                                          abannah Infrastructure: 

      Provide for the government to provide basic infrastructure, specifically roads, water, electricity, telecommunications and hotels to centers of attraction in order to accelerate the pace of development in order to fully exploit the values ​​of tourism, and in an effort to promote this goal it is the establishment of an appropriate government be responsible for the promotion of tourism and development to be in close contact with other government agencies responsible for the provision of infrastructure.

                                                                Land concessions: 

       State governments will provide land without any obstruction for tourism development at affordable rates and terms that are favorable for investment and a mechanism to achieve and will include the abolition of the annual rent of the land during the construction period and the development of tourism.
    In order to develop tourism and the tourism product, it became incumbent on the state governments and the demarcation of the areas of tourism products of use to avoid contamination.
    The ownership of the shares of companies in Nigeria to be 100%, as well as dividends.

                                                Financial incentives and other incentives: 

       In order to strengthen the role of the private sector to invest in the field of tourism, the government has to deal with him as a favorite sector, like agriculture sector, and the government as well as to provide some incentives such as tax exemptions and concessional loans to invest in the investment sector.


                                               Patrols and regulate the tourism sector:  

     The government has enacted laws and regulations should be observed by the owners of the projects and activities in the field of tourism industry such as hoteliers and tourism Omhalat and car rental services in order to ensure that these activities are carried out in accordance with the objectives of the tourism industry, security and convenience of tourists. The government is also working on the development of coastal resorts and beaches (where the coast of Nigeria has extended the length of more than 700 km) as well as the government is working on the development of hotels and the development of standards for restaurants. And the development of services, tours, air and rail services, tunnels, waterfalls and spring water.

                                                                       Protected Iancara: 

      Located hot springs, called a wiki, as well as a protected park on the river O Ncara jaggy and take the distance to there about an hour and a half drive, southeast of the city of Bauchi.
      Has been created in 1956 and was inaugurated in the year 1962. It is open year-round and the tourists Japanese and Americans and Aubouapn and tourists of Asian as well as visiting these places in abundance and extends this park on an area of ​​2,058 km and carpeted trees savannah dense and by many animals, such as elephants, monkeys, crocodiles and opportunities of the river, buffalo and various types of monkeys.
    The months of November and May, the best months to visit where dry vegetation in these months and the animals begin to gather around the rivers.
    The wiki hot springs and one of the most important images and features of the reserves, where they are lit at night fun after a hot day, and be appropriate to relax in the warm water flowing from under the drug towering 9 feet deep. There is a shower area with an area of ​​600 feet and the advantage of this park is the existence of various types of birds including the stork, heron, eagle and other and this is considered fun for serious birdwatchers.
      Other facilities include, Altens courts, squash courts and a small museum in the reception area in addition to the gas station with shops in the camp wiki and Pucci.

                                                                   Action bookings:  

      Advisable to be booked during holidays and weekends because this is a busy season, and Reservations can be made at Durbar Hotel in Kadon, District Office in Bauchi Ajus In Zranda Hotel in Bauchi. Or contact number 43 656 (069).

                                                                        Flight Path:

    Can travel overland from Ajus to Abuja, where you can stop for an overnight and then continue to walk to the city of Jos and Bauchi and the journey takes two days drive.


       Available accommodation in chalets, as well as the wings and there are double rooms and family chalets that include kitchens and there are many other national parks next to my Ncara as shown in the map. There are things such as eye-catching and Mabila Jomte Park and Lake Park Kyanja. 

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